International Telecommunications Union (ITU) iha kolaborasaun ho Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANC) organiza ona Avaliasaun ba Maturidade Timor-Leste Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) ne’ebe hala’o ona iha loron 27 to’o 29 Fevereiru 2024 iha Dili, Loron dahuluk entrevista ho…
22 Janeru 2024, MTC- Bazea ba despacho husi Gabinete Primeiro Ministro Nú.010/GPM/I/2024, nomeasaun presidente interinu ANC ne’ebé públika iha Jornal Republika nomea Sr. Eng. Flávio Cardoso Neves hodi substitui Sr. João Oívio Freitas ne’ebé termina ona mandatu. Kargu Xefia…
Press Release Dili, 25.11.2021 – The ANC has assigned the first ship station call-sign to Berlin Nakroma, the first national vessel of Timor-Leste that ferries passengers between Dili, Atauro and Oecusse/RAEOA. The newly assigned call-sign…