Iha loron 17 Janeiru 2019 Membru Konsellu Administrasaun Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANC), iha Salaun Konferensia Ministériu Transporte no Komunikasaun simu posse husi Ministru Transporte no Komunikasaun, S.E. Sr. José Agustinho da Silva. Membru hirak nebe’e simu posse mak: Sr.…
The fourth ANC seminar and workshop on National Cyber Security was held on 4 – 8 February 2019 in Dili. The aim of this Seminar Series is to raise awareness about the importance of cyber security in public sector with…
The First National ICT Conference [ TL-ICT 2014 ] 14 – 15 July 2014, Hotel Ramelau Dili Jointly organized by the Autoridade Nacional de Communicações (ANC) & the National Directorate of Information Technologies of the Ministry of Transport and Communications…