Deskrisaun Servisu ba Vaga Coordenador da Unidade do Aprovisionamento e Contratação (UAC)-ANC

Press Release Dili, 01.07.2022 – Autoridade Nacional de Communicações (ANC) intends to introduce the Guidelines on the Permitting of Cross-border Cable Telecommunications Networks to deal with the authorization of cross-border terrestrial and submarine cable installation and operation…

Press Release Dili, 04.03.2022 – The ANC has issued the Draft National Radio-frequency Spectrum Plan 2022 to update on how radio frequency spectrum is to be allocated for different services in Timor-Leste. It will serve as guidelines for…

Press Release Dili, 30.09.2021 – The ANC has issued the Consultation Paper on the ANC Numbering and Addressing Plan for developing a unified numbering and addressing plan for telephone numbers and electronic addresses. Timor-Leste currently has…