Press Release


Dili, 04.03.2022 – The ANC has issued the Draft National Radio-frequency Spectrum Plan 2022 to update on how radio frequency spectrum is to be allocated for different services in Timor-Leste. It will serve as guidelines for allocation of radio-frequency spectrum ready to support new communications technology and their applications in this country.


Radio-frequency spectrum is a scarce national resource to be managed for effective and fair utilization in accordance with Decree-Law No. 15/2012 on the Regulation of Telecommunications Sector. It is a key element needed by service providers to build current 4G networks and advanced networks such as 5G and beyond to deliver innovative services like Internet of Things and enhanced mobile broadband.


As communications technology advances rapidly, the requirements for radio-frequency spectrum needs to be updated from time to time. For this purpose, the ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC) are held every three to four years to review, and, if necessary, revise the International treaty governing the use of the radio-frequency spectrum and the geostationary-satellite and non-geostationary-satellite orbits.


This draft plan takes into consideration resolutions taken by the latest ITU WRC in 2019.


Interested persons are hereby invited to submit written representations of their views on the Draft National Radio-frequency Spectrum Plan 2022.


The consultation begins on 1 March 2022 and ends on 31 May 2022. Please ensure all responses reach the ANC by 31 May 2022.


To submit a response, please send it to:


ANC – Consultation
Ground Floor, Telecom Building
Avenida Xavier do Amaral No.8, Dili


The ANC looks forward to receiving valuable inputs in this important matter.


Eng. João Olivio Freitas


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