The fifth ANC seminar and workshop on National Cyber Security was held on 3 – 5 September 2019 in Dili. The aim of this Seminar Series is to raise awareness about the importance of cyber security in public sector with topics designed to build capacity relevant to stakeholders of the public sector involved in the Timor-Leste Computer Security Incident Response Team (TLCSIRT).

The theme of this Seminar is on “Overview of Cybersecurity in Indonesia about Badan Siber and Sandi Negara (BSSN) and Cybersecurity Awareness Raising” while the Workshop took focus on “Introduction to Network Security Monitoring/NSM, introduction (Cyber threat, Cyber Incident definition, type of Cyber Incident), Cyber Incidents Management, Handling of Cyber Incidents and also about Hands-on Training (Digital Forensic & Mobile Forensic, Digital Data Acquisition, Analysis of data acquisition results). The event features four distinguished speakers and trainers from Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN) of Indonesia.

The seminar was well attended by 99 enthusiasts covering representatives from public agencies, private sector members including major telecom service providers, and academia as well as our ever-growing ICT community. Meanwhile, the workshop provided focused trainings to 27 participants of the stakeholders of TLCSIRT including representatives from Public Agencies (Ministry of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance, ANPM, CAC and ANC).


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