Press Release
Dili, 25.11.2021 – The ANC has assigned the first ship station call-sign to Berlin Nakroma, the first national vessel of Timor-Leste that ferries passengers between Dili, Atauro and Oecusse/RAEOA.
The newly assigned call-sign of Berlin Nakroma is 4WBN2. This call sign is used in radio-communication equipment from the vessel together with the Maritime Mobile Service Identities (MMSI). The ANC has previously assigned Berlin Nakroma the Maritime Mobile Service Identities (MMSI) number of 550011111.
This assignment of call-sign to Berlin Nakroma increases the operational safety of the vessel. A vessel complying with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea is required to be equipped with automated radio-communication systems, including digital selective calling (DSC) and/or carrying alerting devices of the global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS). Following the recommendation of the ITU, ship stations using DSC calling equipment should use their MMSI and call sign identities.
As vessels normally communicate using VHF radio, the call-sign is usedas unique identifiers in addition to MMSI numbers. The purpose of the call sign is to identify vessels, as sometimes vessel names may be similar or the same, but the call-sign is unique and thus it helps to identify which vessel the radio-communication originated from.
Lastly, to ensure compatibility with the GMDSS, the numbers, names and addresses of ship stations participating in International telecommunication services shall be made readily available to all authorized entities. In this case, the ANC has notified the ITU about the call sign and MMSI of Berlin Nakroma. They are recorded under the Administration of Timor-Leste and are accessible internationally through the ITU database at:
Joao O. Freitas